Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry

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VOLUME 23 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Study of Serum Creatine Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase to Assess Muscular Involvement in Hypothyroidism

Reena R, Manjula KS, Priyadarshini KS, Usha SMR, HV Shetty

Keywords : Creatine Kinase (CK), Hypothyroidism, Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3)

Citation Information : R R, KS M, KS P, SMR U, Shetty H. Study of Serum Creatine Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase to Assess Muscular Involvement in Hypothyroidism. Indian J Med Biochem 2019; 23 (2):273-277.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0103

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-08-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Background: Hypothyroidism is one of the most commonly occurring endocrine disorders, worldwide. The disorder is associated with a wide range of muscular involvement varying from myalgia to true myopathy. Biochemical parameters such as serum Creatine Kinase (CK), a sensitive marker of muscle damage and serum Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), a general marker of tissue damage can be measured to assess the muscular involvement in hypothyroidism. In this study serum CK and LDH activities to assess the muscular involvement in hypothyroidism and to evaluate their relationship with T3, T4 and TSH. Materials and methods: Fifty, clinically diagnosed hypothyroidism patients with symptoms suggestive of muscle involvement were taken as cases and fifty sex and age matched, apparently healthy volunteers with normal thyroid function tests (TFT) were taken as controls. Biochemical estimations of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), serum CK and serum LDH were done. Results: T3, T4 levels and serum CK and LDH activities were within the reference range in both the study groups. In seven cases high TSH with low T4 values were observed. Significant difference in serum CK and LDH activities were observed in these seven cases compared to rest of the forty-three cases. Even though there was no significant difference among the study groups (cases and controls), a weak positive correlation of CK, LDH with TSH levels and weak negative correlation with T3 and T4 levels were observed. Conclusion: Hormone replacement therapy shall be optimized to treat muscular involvement if serum CK and LDH activity is found to be elevated with low T4 levels, where as normal serum CK and LDH activity with normal T4 levels indicates that the thyroid treatment is optimized (serum T3 and T4 levels has come to the reference range though TSH is mildly elevated) and if the subject is still complaining of muscular symptoms, then other underlying causes for muscular involvement shall be ruled out.

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