VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2020 ) > List of Articles
Tripti Aneja, Hansveen Lamba
Citation Information : Aneja T, Lamba H. COVID-19 Pandemic—A Gynecologist's Experience. Indian J Med Biochem 2020; 24 (2):83-84.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0143
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-08-2020
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).
The novel coronavirus with its ubiquitous impact has left no sphere untouched be it be environmental, social, economic, political, or personal. With the healthcare system being worst hit, medical fraternities worldwide have joined hands to prevent its further spread and get ahead of the disease. Whether it was providing emergency care or undertaking colossal research into this unusual disease, our doctors have proved their mettle in these testing times. Obstetrics and Gynecology is one specialty that caters to providing such essential emergency services. With the declaration of the pandemic by March 2020, our facility was converted into the largest dedicated public COVID centre in Delhi and since then massive efforts have been undertaken to streamline the services to our patients both clinically and logistically. This heralded new principles and guidelines for patient management following the strict norms of physical and social distancing. Though the basic essence of care-providing was not compromised yet this transition was not smooth for both the patients and the doctors. Whereas on one hand, we were drained both physically and mentally, our patients also continued to suffer from the effects of isolation and also the disease per se. However, with rigorous training modules, evolving treatment practices, and numerous counseling sessions we gained pace with our modem apprentice. One can only hope that in times to come, we succeed in surpassing this pandemic and go back to our original routine while having learned the lessons this pandemic taught us.