Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry

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VOLUME 23 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Can Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Serve as a Marker to Predict the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?

CS Nagalakshmi, Basavaraj Savadi, NU Santhosh, Shaheen B Shaikh, Dinesh Javarappa

Keywords : Biochemical parameters, Cardiovascular risk, Gamma glutamyl transferase, Laboratory research, Metabolic syndrome, Risk factors, Type 2 diabetes

Citation Information : Nagalakshmi C, Savadi B, Santhosh N, Shaikh SB, Javarappa D. Can Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Serve as a Marker to Predict the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?. Indian J Med Biochem 2019; 23 (3):347-349.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0116

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-12-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Background and aim: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a constellation of atherosclerotic risk factors and identifies patients who are at high risk for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The interrelationship between gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), obesity, and other metabolic disturbances raises the possibility that elevated GGT levels can help predict the risk of CVD in patients with MS and was proposed as a component of MS. Materials and methods: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, presenting with central obesity, were enrolled as cases if they satisfied criteria for diagnosis of MS. Serum GGT levels were measured in cases as well as age- and gender-matched controls to assess the significance of difference, if any. Results: On analysis, we found an important association between serum GGT levels and MS, as shown by a significant difference in the levels of GGT in cases as compared to controls and the range of area under curve (AUC) for GGT was 0.648–0.827. Conclusion: Gamma glutamyl transferase may play a role in early diagnosis of MS with a high predictive value for both MS and risk for CVD, due to its association with insulin resistance. It is independent of other confounding factors. Due on its wide availability, simplicity, and universal standardization, GGT has the potential to be considered in algorithms for MS. Clinical significance: Including a raised GGT in the criteria for MS could increase its predictive nature for CVD. Considering the CVD risk, primary prevention may be emphasized in patients of MS with high GGT values.

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