Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure as a Motivational Tool to Improve Students’ Learning in MBBS Phase 1
Vidya S Patil, Vijayetha P Patil, Deepak R Kanabur, Pravinchandra R Kangokar
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Patil VS, Patil VP, Kanabur DR, Kangokar PR. Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure as a Motivational Tool to Improve Students’ Learning in MBBS Phase 1. Indian J Med Biochem 2021; 25 (2):51-59.
Aim and background: Early clinical exposure (ECE) supports intrinsic motivation which is associated with deep learning and better performance. The self-determination theory of motivation in learning proposes that optimal performance of students’ results from actions motivated by intrinsic interests or by extrinsic values that are internalized. We propose an ECE module supporting students’ three basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competence extrinsically to improve students’ learning. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of ECE module on students learning attitude and academic performance. Materials and methods: One hundred students of 1st phase MBBS were divided into a control group of first 50 and a study group of next 50 students. Early clinical exposure module for the study group included diagnostic lab and ward visits for three cases (anemia, jaundice, renal failure) in small groups and motivational videos focusing on independent learning. Motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) were taken pre- and post-intervention to know its effect on students learning. The class test was conducted and scores were compared to know its effect on academic performance. Results: Mean comparisons of MSLQ Likert scale responses showed significant improvements in learning strategies of elaboration, organization, and critical thinking among the study group (p = 0.005, 0.04, and 0.001, respectively) and also motivation for learning as improved self-efficacy compared to the control group (p = 0.01) which shows improved self-confidence in their own ability to perform the task. Mean class test score comparison after ECE module showed significant improvement among study group (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our study supports the inclusion of ECE as a motivational tool for learning as it is effective in improving students’ learning strategies, motivation to learn, and academic performance.
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