[Year:2023] [Month:January-April] [Volume:27] [Number:1] [Pages:1] [Pages No:iv - iv]
[Year:2023] [Month:January-April] [Volume:27] [Number:1] [Pages:8] [Pages No:1 - 8]
Keywords: Blood analysis, Clinical chemistry analyzer, HaemurEx, Noncommunicable disease, Remote healthcare
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0216 | Open Access | How to cite |
Background: The rapidly increasing cases of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are required to be managed to maintain the sustainable development of society. HaemurEx, developed by Arogyam Medisoft Solution, is a battery-operated, lightweight, photometric clinical chemistry analyzer with the ability to transmit data to a remote health platform. It can evaluate different blood and urine biomarkers related to various NCDs and women's health at the community level. This novel device can advance universal access to healthcare by enhancing the availability, accessibility, and affordability of testing the blood and urine biomarkers in primary health setup and thus can improve screening and monitoring of NCD conditions. The present study compares the results obtained from HaemurEx with the standard methodologies for patient care to determine its efficacy and accuracy. Materials and methods: The amount of glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and creatinine were estimated in 40 blood samples collected from the inpatient and outpatient facilities at JSS Medical College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India using the standard methodologies. The same samples were analyzed on the same day using HaemurEx. The results obtained from both methods were compared to validate the performance characteristics of HaemurEx for its operation. Results: The comparison between the results revealed the accuracy of HaemurEx for the above-mentioned parameters to be in the range of 85–97%. Conclusion: HaemurEx as a screening tool has the potential to significantly impact the diagnosis and treatment of different NCDs and diseases related to women in low-resource areas.
[Year:2023] [Month:January-April] [Volume:27] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:9 - 13]
Keywords: Analytic performance, Arterial blood gas analysis, Automated quality control, Ion selective electrode, Quality control, Six sigma
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0217 | Open Access | How to cite |
Introduction: Intelligent quality management (iQM) is an automated quality assurance system that monitors all testing processes and components and provides continuous error detection and correction. Here in this article, we have evaluated the performance of Gem Premier 4000 for iQM at Meenakshi Labs, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Aim: To evaluate the quality control performance of GEM Premier 4000 using inbuilt iQM in terms of sigma matrices. Methodology: Solution B readings are taken every 30 seconds and documented every 30 minutes or on a specific schedule. Any change that exceeds the established statistical control limit leads to further assessment via iQM's failure pattern recognition (PR) software, including corrective actions based on pattern detection algorithms. Results: All the parameters performed on Gem Premier 4000 have shown world-class performance above the Six Sigma matrix on the sigma scale. Conclusion: Completely automated quality control (QC) system; Pattern recognition software; Automated corrective action. The advantages of iQM provide laboratories with key advantages, such as improved quality, decreased cost and workload, and improved patient safety.
[Year:2023] [Month:January-April] [Volume:27] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:14 - 17]
Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome, Atherogenic index of plasma, Coronary artery disease, High-density lipoprotein, Low-density lipoprotein, Triglycerides
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0214 | Open Access | How to cite |
Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) is a log of triglyceride (TG) to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio in mmoL/L is a surrogate marker of lipoprotein size of low-density lipoprotein and HDL, smaller the size, greater the atherogenicity. Materials and methods: A total of 102 participants with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and 90 non-coronary artery disease (CAD) asymptomatic participants, not on lipid reduction, were consequently observed and the traditional risk factors and lipidogram were noted and AIP was calculated from the lipidograms. Results: Atherogenic index of plasma values was considerably higher in patients with ACS than in Non-CAD patients p < 0.00001 and was raised in the male gender p < 0.01. Discussion: Atherogenic index of plasma used as a predictive and prognostic marker in CAD, ischemic stroke, metabolic syndrome it's been studied that higher the AIP, higher the angiographically proven lesions according to the Gensen score. Conclusion: Atherogenic index of plasma is an economical and novel biomarker of atherogenicity.
[Year:2023] [Month:January-April] [Volume:27] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:18 - 22]
Keywords: Khat chewing, Liver function tests, Renal function tests, Smoking
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10054-0213 | Open Access | How to cite |
Aims and background: Khat chewing and smoking are some of the most popular social activities in Yemen. However, little is known about how these habits affect the liver and kidney, so this study was made to examine the potential effects of these habits on the levels of various biochemical parameters to evaluate kidney and liver functions in healthy medical students that were considered as khat chewers and smokers. Materials and methods: In total, 90 healthy medical students took part in this investigation. The biochemistry of the liver and kidneys was assessed on 30 khat chewers only, 30 khat chewers and smokers, and 30 non-khat chewers and nonsmokers. Results: The activity of the AST, ALT, and GGT enzymes reveals a significant increase among khat chewers and khat chewers and smokers’ groups. A significant correlation was observed between the duration of both khat chewing and cigarette smoking and the levels of creatinine uric acid, albumin, and GGT. Conclusion: We come to the conclusion that Catha edulis with amphetamine-like effect and the cytotoxic effects of cigarette smoking might be responsible for hepatocellular and kidney damage with a correlation to the khat chewing and smoking durations.